radijojo Archive

Anna Lindh Foundation honours our work & EUROMEDKIDS!

Our work is among top three projects for peace and intercultural dialogue in the whole EUROMED

YIPPIE, the EUROMED Camp has just started!

Hurra, das Radijojo-Frühlingscamp 2014 hat begonnen!!! In Berlin sind Osterferien und pünktlich zum ersten Ferientag hat

Awesome drawings from Bulgaria!

Bulgaria joins in – with awesome drawings created by our new friends on the Balcans. This

New broadcast partner from Cyprus: MYCYradio!

MYCYradio from Nicosia/Cyprus will broadcast our RADIJOJO one-hour radio programme – made by kids for kids!

Animation Workshop in Pyrgos

Animation Workshop in Pyrgos See what our friends from http://www.mediaeducationcentre.eu/eng/ have done! In an animation workshop, held

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