Anna Lindh Foundation honours our work & EUROMEDKIDS!
Our work is among top three projects for peace and intercultural dialogue in the whole EUROMED region! The Anna Lindh Foundation has selected us – among entries from more than 40 countries that are members of Anna Lindh Foundation Network. This is an incredible honor.
“The next chapter of mediterranean dialogue conference”
This picture was taken during the EUROMED KIDS workshop in Berlin at the Anna Lindh primary!
More info you can get here: Euromedkids Workshop at the Anna Lindh Primary, Berlin
Teatro Mercadante, Napoli
Hundreds of experts from all over the EUROMED region saw our achievement: decision makers and practictioners from Morocco to Ireland, from Greece to Spain! Our original drawings made their way to the top leaders of Anna Lindh Foundation, including ALF director Andreu Claret.
Anna Lindh Chief, Andreu Claret
More informations about the Anna Lindh Foundation and the conference can be found here:
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