europe Archive

EUROPE DAY – celebrating peace & solidarity in Europe!

Here are the kids from the class 1A from the Anna Lindh Primary, Germany. They learn

Interview with the director of the European Commission Representation Germany, Mrs.Duffy-Häusler

Our EUROMED KIDS meeting the “EU Ambassador” to Germany, Mrs. Duffy-Häusler, talking about the EU, about

Awesome drawings from Bulgaria!

Bulgaria joins in – with awesome drawings created by our new friends on the Balcans. This

Spain: Telekids share their views

Hello from Sevilla, Spain! We are the Telekids. In our workshops, we learn how to create

Finland: We sing for the elderly


New broadcast partner from Cyprus: MYCYradio!

MYCYradio from Nicosia/Cyprus will broadcast our RADIJOJO one-hour radio programme – made by kids for kids!

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