Author Archive

Interview with the director of the European Commission Representation Germany, Mrs.Duffy-Häusler

Our EUROMED KIDS meeting the “EU Ambassador” to Germany, Mrs. Duffy-Häusler, talking about the EU, about

YIPPIE, the EUROMED Camp has just started!

Hurra, das Radijojo-Frühlingscamp 2014 hat begonnen!!! In Berlin sind Osterferien und pünktlich zum ersten Ferientag hat

CZ: Roma Youth Radio in Brno with a brandnew show!

From our friends of Roma Youth Radio in Brno, Czech Republic – a brandnew show for

Awesome drawings from Bulgaria!

Bulgaria joins in – with awesome drawings created by our new friends on the Balcans. This

GAIA TV: United for Peace and Environment

This is something really really special: Let’s celebrate the kids of GAIA TV from Spain, Serbia, Costa

Greece: School radio kids rock EUROMED!

A warm welcome to our new friends in Greece! Kalimera! We are happy to be connected

Spain: Telekids share their views

Hello from Sevilla, Spain! We are the Telekids. In our workshops, we learn how to create

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